
the Signs of Dog Disease

Following is a list of most common diseases and in a dog and signs that characterize them. However, this list is not intended to be used to diagnose and treat your dog, but rather as a tool to tell when your dog is ill. Communicating with your veterinarian is a key part of ensuring good health care for your dog.


Abscesses (according to site)
difficulty moving, fever, loss of appetite, pus
Arthritispainful to touch
Burnsrapid breathing, shedding coat, ulceration

(inflammation of the bladder)
abdominal pain, blood in the urine, difficult or no urination, painful urination, urinary incontinence

(skin inflammation)
shedding coat, skin irritation, ulceration
Diabetes Insipidusintense thirst, urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence, voracious appetite
Diabetes Mellitusbad breath, coma, frequent urination, intense thirst, urinary incontinence, voracious appetite
Distemperabdominal pain, convulsions, cough, diarrhea (normal), loss of appetite, fever, low spirits, poor appetite, rapid breathing, trembling, vomiting, voracious appetite
Eclampsiachanges in behavior, convulsions, bedsores, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of balance, painful breathing, trembling
Eczemashedding coat, skin irritation

(inflammation of the intestines)
abdominal pain, diarrhea (normal), loss of appetite, vomiting, weight loss
External Parasitesscratches the ears, shedding coat, skin irritation
Foreign Bodiesabdominal pain, constipation, cough, cyanosis, diarrhea (normal), difficulty swallowing, intense thirst, loss of appetite, painful to touch, scratches the ears, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Gastritisabdominal pain, bad breath, loss of appetite, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Hemorrhageconspicuous inner eyelid, painful breathing, rapid breathing, shock
Heart Diseaseabdominal distension, convulsions, cough, lethargy, mucous tissues pale, painful breathing
Heat Strokechanges in behavior, coma, bedsores, fever, intense thirst, loss of appetite, loss of balance, low spirits, painful breathing, painful to touch, rapid breathing, shock, ulceration
Infectious Hepatitisabdominal pain, diarrhea (with blood), fever, intense thirst, jaundice, lethargy, loss of appetite, painful breathing, rapid breathing, vomiting
Internal Parasitescough, diarrhea (with blood), diarrhea (normal), mucous tissues pale, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting, voracious appetite, weight loss
Intestinal Blockageabdominal pain, constipation, convulsions, lethargy, loss of appetite, poor appetite, vomiting
Leptospirosisabdominal pain, blood in the urine, cyanosis, diarrhea (normal), difficult or no urination, fever, jaundice, lethargy, loss of appetite, painful urination, poor appetite, rapid breathing, vomiting
Leukemialethargy, loss of appetite, low spirits, mucous tissues pale, conspicuous inner eyelid painful breathing, rapid breathing, vomiting

(inflammation of the uterus)
abdominal pain, convulsions, cyanosis (low blood oxygen), lethargy, loss of appetite, conspicuous inner eyelid, pus, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Nephritisabdominal distension, abdominal pain, bad breath, cyanosis (low blood oxygen), difficult or no urination, fever, frequent urination, lethargy, low spirits, painful urination, swelling of the abdomen
Otitisconvulsions, loss of balance, pus, scratches the ears, skin irritation
Para-Influenzacough, painful breathing
Parvovirusconvulsions, diarrhea with blood, diarrhea (normal), fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, low spirits, conspicuous inner eyelid, poor appetite, rapid breathing, vomiting, weight loss
Poisoningchanges in behavior, convulsions, cyanosis (low blood oxygen), diarrhea (with blood), diarrhea (normal), poor appetite, rapid breathing, shedding coat, shock, trembling, vomiting
Rabieschanges in behavior, convulsions, fever, intense thirst, loss of balance, low spirits, mucous tissues pale, conspicuous inner eyelid, poor appetite, trembling, weight loss
Ringwormshedding coat
Stonesabdominal pain, blood in the urine, difficult or no urination, painful urination, urinary incontinence
Tartarbad breath
Tonsillitiscough, difficulty swallowing, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting
Toothachebad breath, difficulty swallowing, intense thirst, loss of appetite
Torsion of the Stomachabdominal pain, changes in behavior, coma, convulsions, difficulty swallowing, intense thirst, loss of appetite, conspicuous inner eyelid, mucous tissues pale, painful breathing, painful to touch, poor appetite, rapid breathing, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting
Tuberculosiscough, loss of appetite, low spirits, conspicuous inner eyelid, painful breathing, rapid breathing, trembling, weight loss
Tumorsabdominal distension, loss of appetite, mucous tissues pale, conspicuous inner eyelid, painful to touch, weight loss

