
Dog Allergy Symptoms ? 8 Reasons For Dog Allergies

Dog Allergy Symptoms – 8 Reasons For Dog Allergies

Image : http://www.flickr.com

People experience allergies and so do our dogs. As dog lovers we feel badly for our dogs as we know from our personal allergy experiences how uncomfortable and miserable allergy symptoms can make us feel.

Our symptoms include itching skin, watery eyes, red eyes, sneezing, wheezing, breathing difficulties, reddened patches, blistering or rashes on our skin, scratchy or sore throat. There can also be lumps and bumps on our skin. You probably realize and acknowledge how dog allergy symptoms are almost identical to symptoms found in people.

Eight reasons for allergies are:

seasons of the year
poor grooming
bacteria and fungus infections
licking habits
other infected animals
plastic dishware and toys
household and outdoor chemicals

Seasons of the year affect our dogs. There are not too many allergies in the winter. The cold and snow and little to lack of plant growth appears to minimize allergies. But…here it comes…the spring of the year brings new plant growth and the beginning of warm temperatures.

We and our dogs start to sneeze, wheeze, and have red, watery eyes. Ragweed, grass growth, and so many plants are starting their new growth and those of us that have allergic reactions to the rebirth of nature start to suffer.

Summer brings mosquitoes, fleas, and tics to cause misery for our dogs. It is very important that your dog receive preventive medication for fleas and tics. The most common allergies for our dogs are from fleas. And there are other earthly critters which can create skin allergy problems.

Notice how poor grooming causes allergies. One of the more common is hot spots. The thick coat of a dog should be kept clean and free from dirt and hair tangles. Otherwise, the dog will develop swollen patches of skin which are painful. These sores drain and there is a foul odor.

Bacteria and fungus infections can be kept down to a minimum with regular grooming. The underside of the paws should be kept clean, dry, and hair trimmed to avoid setting up a moist breeding ground for fungus. Ear infections are common with bacteria and fungus for all breeds. Breeds with floppy ears suffer more than others.

Have you noticed licking habits of your dog causing his skin to break down? These skin openings are an invitation for bacteria and fungus to populate. The dog is licking because it is itching and he is trying to bring relief to his dog allergy symptoms. If there is chronic scratching whereby the skin can be scratched open, once again, it is an invitation for infection.

Other infected animals are contagious. Ear mites are easily passed from one animal to another. Ear mites originate with cats and unfortunately dogs can be infected.

Plastic dishware or materials used to make toys may cause allergies. Observe your pet and change necessary utensils as well as wash or remove those toys which are causing allergic reactions.

Food allergies originate from grains of wheat, corn, and rice bran. To discover which food is causing dog allergy symptoms you would have to remove one item at a time until that food is identified.

Household and outdoor chemicals may contain ingredients which are causing itching of skin and red watery eyes.

Today, use natural remedies to help correct allergies. Visit the pet section of Tricia Deed at http://www.Infotrish.vpweb.com/ Review Time Tested Home Remedies that Heal Your Pet.

See Also : alcohol allergy symptoms anti allergy bedding allergy medication

Check it out: Dog Allergy Symptoms – 8 Reasons For Dog Allergies

