
Bloat -- Gastric Dilation Volvulus/Gastric Torsion

Earlier this week Isabel, who was recently adopted from us by a wonderful family, bloated with torsion. Thanks to the fast action of her adoptive family who recognized her symptoms and got her to an emergency clinic, Isabel survived. She underwent emergency surgery to untwist her stomach, and also had her stomach tacked to reduce the risk of torsion in the future. She spent a few days in hospital and is now home recovering with her family.

Due to their size and deep chests Newfs are at risk of developing bloat, a condition that can kill within a very short period. If you suspect your Newf is bloating rush to the closest vet immediately.

Here is a chart of bloat symptoms (click the image to see the large size file.) Learn to recognize the early signs of bloat, and if you suspect your Newf is bloating get emergency veterinary help immediately. All dogs display different symptoms, so if your Newf seems uncomfortable and is acting strangely it is better to be safe than sorry and get to a vet.

One useful tip to help your dog expel excess gas if you suspect bloat is to massage the acupressure point for bloat which helps to stimulate burping. This is not a replacement to seeking immediate veterinary care, but can be done while on your way to the vet.

Dietary risk factors for bloat include:

  • Drinking large amounts of water immediately after eating

  • Eating a single, large meal daily

  • Eating from a raised feeding bowl

  • Exercising vigorously on a full stomach

  • Gulping down food very quickly

Bloat has been associated with increasing age and having a first-degree relative with a history of Bloat.

To learn more about Bloat – Gastric Dilation Volvulus (GDV) and Gastric Torsion visit this article and this FAQ document

