
Kennel Cough Symptoms Treatment

Kennel Cough Symptoms Treatment

The walks at dusk in winter not dry the mantle of our dogs or sudden temperature changes in winter please multiply cases. This condition is characterized by being highly contagious, though not usually have complications, and is located exclusively in the upper airway. The real name is ‘canine infectious tracheobronchitis’, but everybody is known as kennel cough, since low temperatures and overcrowding makes the disease spread quickly through the kennels or shelters where many animals live together.

How is Kennel Cough transmitted?
Transmission is by direct contact, entry is by air, since it occurs through droplets expelled the dog when sneezing or coughing. This makes a single copy can spread to many, the play in the parkin the street or sleep near them. At this point we should note that on no account be passed to humans.It is more common in nurseries and animal communities as kennel because the stress, overcrowding and environmental factors such as lack of ventilation or poor hygiene, can alter the immune system of these, Which makes them vulnerable to viruses.

Kennel Cough Symptoms and Treatment
The most prominent symptom is very marked dry cough, often exacerbated with exercise, in states of excitement or when you press the neck with the leash. Sometimes, there is also nasal discharge. In most cases sick dogs eat well and stay active. In these patients, generally, clinical signs resolved spontaneously, without having to resort to vet. We must exercise caution in very young puppies, or dogs immunosuppressed animals with pre-existing lung disorders, since they might present complications such as pneumonia. This disease is not serious for the animal, since in most cases refer to two weeks usually set up for the process. May be prescribed antitussivesProvided they are not suspected of presence of liquid in the lungs, and advised rest for at least seven days.

What precautions can you take?
The best practice is to have our pet in the best nutritional and hygienic conditions, avoid stressful situationsIn this way, even in case of infection, the prognosis is always favorable. Logically, we can not Prevent our mascot is related to other dogs in the park and play with them, so there is always a small risk.In the case of animals living in shelters, protective or kennel it is advisable annuallySince vaccinated they are much more exposed to the virus that a dog who lives at home, eating Which has a right and a strong immune system. In short, our pets with the arrival of cold, suffer a kind of canine influenza that has no major complications that we usually suffer us.

