
My Pet Friends

You love both dogs and cats and want to own both of them at the same time, but afraid that they may fight each other? Don’t worry, here are some tips training your dogs and cats to get along with each other.

The best time to teach a dog and cat to get along is when one or both are being introduced into the family for the first time. Continue reading →

This article discusses some common diseases of your dogs. Each disease will be deeply presented so far. Now let’s start the journey to help your pets healthier!

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Cat can be trained to use the toilet instead of the litter box. It takes patience, it takes time (weeks up to many months), and preferably, it takes an extra toilet dedicated to cat business, but it can be done!

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Yesterday, a friend sadly told me that he had killed a chihuahua dog accidentally when he was driving. Although my friend swerved to avoid her, he couldn’t stop immediately when the dog darted into the road. She chased a motorbike, but was killed by another one passing. Continue reading →

You are always in trouble with your cats’ toilet issue? Wanna train them  how to use a little box for their hygiene? After this short clip with 9 step demonstration, you will how to litter train your cat easily. Continue reading →

